A first look at what might be in ECMAScript 7 and 8
Brendan Eich
mentions features that are candidates for ECMAScript 6, 7 and 8:
It is interesting that the goal of some features is to make JavaScript a better compilation target [2]. I am very excited about macros possibly making it into ECMAScript 8. Just three benefits:
- Easily create embedded domain-specific languages (for HTML fragments, queries, GUI definitions, etc.).
- Invent new more concise syntax for specific tasks (this one is mainly for – gifted – library authors). If you wanted to, you could also call the result a domain-specific language.
- Any new syntax introduced after ECMAScript 8 can be retrofitted to previous versions via macros.
Related reading:
- ECMAScript.next: the “TXJS” update by Eich
- Does JavaScript have a bytecode, like Java?