GitHub: serve files to the web, with a single branch

[2012-01-10] dev, git
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GitHub has a nifty feature called GitHub Pages that allows you to serve files in your repository to the web. Those files have to reside in the branch gh-pages, which is different from the usual master branch. To avoid the slightly cumbersome maintenance of two branches, this post shows you how to only work with gh-pages.


  • Create a new repository called my_repo on GitHub.
  • Create the repository locally:
        $ mkdir my_repo
        $ cd my_repo/
        $ git init
  • Create the gh-pages branch. Given that a branch is mainly a reference to a commit, you first must create a commit. The option --allow-empty allows you to do so without adding any files.
        $ git commit --allow-empty -m "Initial commit"
        $ git branch gh-pages
  • Switch to the gh-pages branch.
        $ git checkout gh-pages
  • Add files, commit changes as usual.
  • Push everything to GitHub.
        $ git remote add origin
        $ git push -u origin gh-pages
    If you now go to GitHub, you see that the repository only has a single branch (popup menu “Current branch”).
  • The files in your repository are now online at
  • Whenever you clone your repository, you are automatically in the gh-pages branch:
        $ git clone
        Cloning into my_repo...
        $ cd my_repo/
        $ git branch
        * gh-pages
Caveat: I’m not a git expert, but all the solutions for managing the gh-pages branch that I found on the web were too complicated for my taste. The above approach has worked well for me, so far.