Temporal: getting started with JavaScript’s new date time API

[2021-06-28] dev, javascript, es proposal
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  • 2022-01-10: Temporal.now was renamed to Temporal.Now.
  • 2021-06-30: Rearranged the content and created a section on the concepts and patterns used by the Temporal API.
  • 2021-06-29: Clarified how Instant uses the ISO-8601 calendar. Listed the properties of some classes.

Date, JavaScript’s current date time API is infamously difficult to use. The ECMAScript proposal “Temporal” is a new and better date time API and currently at stage 3. It was created by Philipp Dunkel, Maggie Johnson-Pint, Matt Johnson-Pint, Brian Terlson, Shane Carr, Ujjwal Sharma, Philip Chimento, Jason Williams, and Justin Grant.

This blog post has two goals:

  • Giving you a feeling for how Temporal works
  • Helping you get started with it

However, it is not an exhaustive documentation: For many details, you will have to consult the (excellent) documentation for Temporal.

Warning: These are my first explorations of this API – feedback welcome!

The Temporal API  

The Temporal date time API is accessible via the global variable Temporal. It is a pleasure to use:

  • All objects are immutable. Changing them produces new values, similarly to how strings work in JavaScript.
  • There is support for time zones and non-Gregorian calendars.
  • There are several specialized classes for Temporal values (date time values with time zones, date time values without time zones, date values without time zones, etc.). That has several benefits:
    • The context of a value (time zone or not, etc.) is easier to understand.
    • It is often more obvious how to achieve a given task.
    • .toString() can be used with much less consideration.
  • January is month 1.

Parts of this blog post:

  • The post starts with background knowledge. That will help you with the remainder of the post, but you should be fine without it.
  • Next, there is an overview of all the classes of the Temporal API and how they fit together.
  • At the end, there is a comprehensive section with examples.

Background: representing time  

From solar time to standard time  

Historically, how we measure time has progressed over the years:

  • Apparent solar time (local apparent time): One of the earliest ways of measuring time was to base the current time on the position of the sun. For example, noon is when the sun is directly overhead.
  • Mean solar time (local mean time): This time representation corrects the variations of apparent solar time so that each day of the year has the same length.
  • Standard time and time zones: Standard time specifies how the clocks within a geographical region are to be synchronized. It was established in the 19th century to support weather forecasting and train travel. In the 20th century, standard time was defined globally and geographical regions became time zones.

Wall-clock time is the current time within a time zone (as shown by a clock on the wall). Wall-clock time is also called local time.

Time standards: UTC vs. Z vs. GMT  

UTC, Z, and GMT are ways of specifying time that are similar, but subtly different:

  • UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) is the time standard that all times zones are based on. They are specified relative to it. That is, no country or territory has UTC as its local time zone.

  • Z (Zulu Time Zone) is a military time zone that is often used in aviation and the military as another name for UTC+0.

  • GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) is a time zone used in some European and African countries. It is UTC plus zero hours and therefore has the same time as UTC.


Time zones vs. time offsets  

Temporal’s time zones are based on the IANA Time Zone Database (short: tz database). IANA stands for Internet Assigned Numbers Authority. In that database, each time zone has an identifier and rules defining offsets for UTC times. If a time zone has standard time and daylight saving time, the offsets change during a year:

const standardTime = Temporal.ZonedDateTime.from({
  timeZone: 'Europe/Zurich',
  year: 1995,
  month: 11,
  day: 30,
  hour: 3,
  minute: 24,
  '1995-11-30T03:24:00+01:00[Europe/Zurich]'); // (A)

const daylightSavingTime = Temporal.ZonedDateTime.from({
  timeZone: 'Europe/Zurich',
  year: 1995,
  month: 5,
  day: 30,
  hour: 3,
  minute: 24,
  '1995-05-30T03:24:00+02:00[Europe/Zurich]'); // (B)

In standard time, the time offset for the Europe/Zurich time zone is +1:00 (line A). In daylight saving time, the time offset is +2:00 (line B).

Resources for working with time zones  


The calendars supported by Temporal are based on the standard Unicode Unicode Common Locale Data Repository (CLDR) – among others:

  • buddhist: Thai Buddhist calendar
  • chinese: Traditional Chinese calendar
  • coptic: Coptic calendar
  • dangi: Traditional Korean calendar
  • ethiopic: Ethiopic calendar, Amete Mihret (epoch approx, 8 C.E.)
  • gregory: Gregorian calendar
  • hebrew: Traditional Hebrew calendar
  • indian: Indian calendar
  • islamic: Islamic calendar
  • iso8601: ISO calendar (Gregorian calendar using the ISO-8601 calendar week rules)
  • japanese: Japanese Imperial calendar
  • persian: Persian calendar
  • roc: Republic of China calendar

iso8601 is used by most western countries and gets extra support in Temporal, via methods such as Temporal.Now.zonedDateTimeISO() (which returns the current date and wall-clock time in the system time zone and ISO-8601 calendar).

ECMAScript Extended ISO-8601/RFC 3339 Strings  

The standards ISO-8601 and RFC 3339 specify how to represent dates in strings. Currently, they are missing functionality that is needed and added by Temporal:

  • Representing month-day data as strings
  • Representing IANA Time Zone Names in date time strings
  • Representing calendar systems in date time strings

The goal is to eventually get these additions standardized (beyond ECMAScript).

Month-day syntax  

Month-day syntax looks like this:

> Temporal.PlainMonthDay.from('12-24').toString()

Date time strings with IANA Time Zone Names and calendar systems  

The following code shows what a full date time string looks like. In practice, many of these parts will often be missing:

const zdt = Temporal.ZonedDateTime.from({
  timeZone: 'Africa/Nairobi',
  year: 2019,
  month: 11,
  day: 30,
  hour: 8,
  minute: 55,
  second: 0,
  millisecond: 123,
  microsecond: 456,
  nanosecond: 789,

  zdt.toString({calendarName: 'always', smallestUnit: 'nanosecond'}),

Parts of the date time string in the previous example:

  • Date: '2019-11-30'
    • year '-' month '-' day
  • Separator between date and time: 'T'
  • Time: '08:55:00.123456789'
    • hour ':' minute ':' seconds
    • '.' (separator between seconds and fractions of a second)
    • milliseconds (3 digits)
    • microseconds (3 digits)
    • nanoseconds (3 digits)
  • Time offset relative to UTC: '+03:00'
    • Alternative: 'Z' which means '+0:00'
  • Time zone: '[Africa/Nairobi]'
  • Calendar: '[u-ca=iso8601]'

The last two items are not currently standardized.

Concepts and patterns of the Temporal API  

Wall-clock time vs. exact time  

Temporal distinguishes two kinds of time. Given a global instant of time:

  • Wall-clock time (also called local time or clock time) varies globally, depending on the time zone of a clock.
  • Exact time (also called UTC time) is the same everywhere.

Epoch time is one way of representing exact time: It’s a number counting time units (such as nanoseconds) before or since Unix epoch (midnight UTC on January 1, 1970).

The core classes of the Temporal API  

Let’s first take a quick look at Temporal’s core classes and what data goes into them. They are covered in more detail later.

  • Exact time:
    • Wall-clock time plus time zone:
      • ZonedDateTime: new Temporal.ZonedDateTime(epochNanoseconds: bigint, timeZone: TimeZoneLike, calendar?: CalendarLike)
    • UTC:
      • Instant: new Temporal.Instant(epochNanoseconds : bigint)
  • Abstract time (no associated time standard):
    • PlainDateTime: new Temporal.PlainDateTime(isoYear: number, isoMonth: number, isoDay: number, isoHour: number = 0, isoMinute: number = 0, isoSecond: number = 0, isoMillisecond: number = 0, isoMicrosecond: number = 0, isoNanosecond: number = 0, calendar?: CalendarLike)
    • PlainDate: new Temporal.PlainDate(isoYear: number, isoMonth: number, isoDay: number, calendar?: CalendarLike)
    • PlainTime: new Temporal.PlainTime(isoHour: number = 0, isoMinute: number = 0, isoSecond: number = 0, isoMillisecond: number = 0, isoMicrosecond: number = 0, isoNanosecond: number = 0)
    • PlainYearMonth: new Temporal.PlainYearMonth(isoYear: number, isoMonth: number, calendar?: CalendarLike, referenceISODay: number = 1)
    • PlainMonthDay: new Temporal.PlainMonthDay(isoMonth: number, isoDay: number, calendar?: CalendarLike, referenceISOYear?: number)
  • Durations:
    • Duration: new Temporal.Duration(years?: number, months?: number, weeks?: number, days?: number, hours?: number, minutes?: number, seconds?: number, milliseconds?: number, microseconds?: number, nanoseconds?: number)

Creating instances of Temporal classes  

There are two main ways of creating instances of Temporal classes.


On one hand, we can create instances via constructors. Each constructor accepts the minimal amount of data needed to fully specify an instance. For example, in the case of the two classes for exact time, Instant and ZonedDateTime, the point in time itself is specified via epoch nanoseconds.

const epochNanoseconds = 6046761644163000000n;
const timeZone = 'America/Los_Angeles'; // San Francisco
const zdt1 = new Temporal.ZonedDateTime(epochNanoseconds, timeZone);

Static factory method .from()  

On the other hand, we can create instances via the static factory method .from(). It is overloaded: Most classes support three kinds of values for its parameter.

First, if the parameter is an instance of the same class, then that instance is cloned:

const zdt2 = Temporal.ZonedDateTime.from(zdt1);

// Really a clone?
assert.notEqual(zdt1, zdt2);

Second, all other objects are interpreted as specifying various fields with time-related information:

const zdt3 = Temporal.ZonedDateTime.from({
  timeZone: 'America/Los_Angeles',
  year: 2161,
  month: 8,
  day: 12,
  hour: 9,
  minute: 0,
  second: 44,
  millisecond: 163,
  microsecond: 0,
  nanosecond: 0,

Third, all primitive values are coerced to string and parsed:

const zdt4 = Temporal.ZonedDateTime.from(
  '2161-08-12T09:00:44.163[America/Los_Angeles]'); // (A)
  '2161-08-12T09:00:44.163-07:00[America/Los_Angeles]'); // (B)

Note that we didn’t need to specify the offset in line A, but it is shown in line B.

Updating time values  

The fields we use when creating an instance via .from() become properties of that instance:

const zonedDateTime = Temporal.ZonedDateTime.from({
  timeZone: 'Africa/Lagos',
  year: 1995,
  month: 12,
  day: 7,
  hour: 3,
  minute: 24,
  second: 30,
  millisecond: 0,
  microsecond: 3,
  nanosecond: 500,

  zonedDateTime.year, 1995);
  zonedDateTime.month, 12);
  zonedDateTime.dayOfWeek, 4);
  zonedDateTime.epochNanoseconds, 818303070000003500n);

These properties are immutable: If we want to change them, we have to create a new instance where they have different values. Method .with() lets us do that:

const newZonedDateTime = zonedDateTime.with({
  year: 2222,
  month: 3,

Values that are “like” instances of classes (TimeZone, Calendar, Duration, etc.)  

Whenever Temporal needs an instance of a class C, it accepts any value that is “like” an instance of class C:

  1. An instance of class C
  2. An object that can be parsed via C.from()
    • Note that the properties of such an object are a subset of the properties of an instance of C.
  3. A string that can be parsed via C.from()

Values like TimeZone – these are three ways of specifying time zones (last arguments of the following constructor invocations):

const zdt1 = new Temporal.ZonedDateTime(0n,
  new Temporal.TimeZone('America/Lima'));
const zdt2 = new Temporal.ZonedDateTime(0n,
  {timeZone: 'America/Lima'});
const zdt3 = new Temporal.ZonedDateTime(0n,

Values like Calendar – these are three ways of specifying calendars (last arguments of the following constructor invocations):

const pd1 = new Temporal.PlainDate(1992, 2, 24,
  new Temporal.Calendar('iso8601'));
const pd2 = new Temporal.PlainDate(1992, 2, 24,
  {calendar: 'iso8601'});
const pd3 = new Temporal.PlainDate(1992, 2, 24,

Values like Duration – these are three ways of specifying durations (argument of .add()):

const pdStart = Temporal.PlainDate.from('2022-03-08');

const pd1 = pdStart.add(
  Temporal.Duration.from({years: 5, months: 2, days: 1}));
assert.equal(pd1.toString(), '2027-05-09');

const pd2 = pdStart.add(
  {years: 5, months: 2, days: 1});
assert.equal(pd2.toString(), '2027-05-09');

const pd3 = pdStart.add(
assert.equal(pd3.toString(), '2027-05-09');

A closer look at Temporal’s classes  

Temporal.Now: the current time  

The object Temporal.Now has several factory methods for creating Temporal values representing the current time:

> Temporal.Now.instant().toString()

> Temporal.Now.zonedDateTimeISO('Asia/Shanghai').toString()

> Temporal.Now.plainDateTimeISO().toString()

> Temporal.Now.plainTimeISO().toString()

Properties of Temporal.Now:

  • .timeZone()
  • .instant()
  • .plainDateTime(calendar, temporalTimeZoneLike?)
  • .plainDateTimeISO(temporalTimeZoneLike?)
  • .zonedDateTime(calendar, temporalTimeZoneLike?)
  • .zonedDateTimeISO(temporalTimeZoneLike?)
  • .plainDate(calendar, temporalTimeZoneLike?)
  • .plainDateISO(temporalTimeZoneLike?)
  • .plainTimeISO(temporalTimeZoneLike?)

These properties are documented here.

Context provided by the system: time zone and calendar  

We can use Temporal.Now to access the current time zone of the system. This time zone can change – for example, when the system travels:

> Temporal.Now.timeZone().toString()

The concept of a “current calendar” is more complicated. Ideas for how to best handle it are still evolving. This is the current way of getting the ID (a string) of the “preferred calendar”:

const preferredCalendarId = (new Intl.DateTimeFormat())
assert.equal(preferredCalendarId, 'gregory');

Exact time: class Instant, class ZonedDateTime, nanoseconds since epoch  

Temporal represents exact time in three ways:

  • Via class Instant (UTC time).
  • Via class ZonedDateTime (wall-clock time plus a time zone and a calendar).
  • Via a bigint number expressing nanoseconds since epoch.

Class Instant  

Class Instant represents global exact time. Its time standard is UTC. It is mostly a container for nanoseconds since epoch. That is also reflected by it not having properties such as .year and .hour (which ZonedDateTime and PlainDateTime have).

For some operations (such as .toString()), Instant internally uses an ISO-8601 calendar, but that calendar is not stored in instances.

Use case:

  • Internal dates that are not shown to end users (time stamps in logs, etc.).
const instant = Temporal.Now.instant();

Properties of Instant:

  • .from(item)
  • .fromEpochSeconds(epochSeconds)
  • .fromEpochMilliseconds(epochMilliseconds)
  • .fromEpochMicroseconds(epochMicroseconds)
  • .fromEpochNanoseconds(epochNanoseconds)
  • .compare(one, two)

Properties of Instant.prototype:

  • get .epochSeconds
  • get .epochMilliseconds
  • get .epochMicroseconds
  • get .epochNanoseconds
  • .add(temporalDurationLike)
  • .subtract(temporalDurationLike)
  • .until(other, options?)
  • .since(other, options?)
  • .round(options)
  • .equals(other)
  • .toString(options?)
  • .toLocaleString(locales?, options?)
  • .toJSON()
  • .valueOf()
  • .toZonedDateTime(item)
  • .toZonedDateTimeISO(item)

These properties are documented here.

Class ZonedDateTime  

Class ZonedDateTime represents time via wall-clock time plus a time zone and a calendar.

Use cases for this class:

  • Representing actual events
  • Converting time between zones
  • Time computations where daylight saving time may play a role (“one hour later”)
// Current time in Melbourne, Australia (in ISO-8601 calendar)
const zonedDateTime = Temporal.Now.zonedDateTimeISO(

Properties of ZonedDateTime:

  • .from(item, options?)
  • .compare(one, two)

Properties of ZonedDateTime.prototype:

  • get .calendar
  • get .timeZone
  • get .year
  • get .month
  • get .monthCode
  • get .day
  • get .hour
  • get .minute
  • get .second
  • get .millisecond
  • get .microsecond
  • get .nanosecond
  • get .epochSeconds
  • get .epochMilliseconds
  • get .epochMicroseconds
  • get .epochNanoseconds
  • get .dayOfWeek
  • get .dayOfYear
  • get .weekOfYear
  • get .hoursInDay
  • get .daysInWeek
  • get .daysInMonth
  • get .daysInYear
  • get .monthsInYear
  • get .inLeapYear
  • get .offsetNanoseconds
  • get .offset
  • .with(temporalZonedDateTimeLike, options?)
  • .withPlainTime(plainTimeLike?)
  • .withPlainDate(plainDateLike)
  • .withTimeZone(timeZoneLike)
  • .withCalendar(calendarLike)
  • .add(temporalDurationLike, options?)
  • .subtract(temporalDurationLike, options?)
  • .until(other, options?)
  • .since(other, options?)
  • .round(options)
  • .equals(other)
  • .toString(options?)
  • .toLocaleString(locales?, options?)
  • .toJSON()
  • .valueOf()
  • .startOfDay()
  • .toInstant()
  • .toPlainDate()
  • .toPlainTime()
  • .toPlainDateTime()
  • .toPlainYearMonth()
  • .toPlainMonthDay()
  • .getISOFields()

These properties are documented here.

Plain (wall-clock time) classes  

Class PlainDateTime, PlainDate, PlainTime  

If a class doesn’t have a time zone, Temporal calls it “plain”. There are three timezone-less classes: PlainDateTime, PlainDate, and PlainTime. They are abstract representations of time.

Use cases for these classes:

  • Displaying the wall-clock time in a given time zone (see below).
  • Time computations when the time zone doesn’t matter (“The first Wednesday of May 1998”).
const zonedDateTime = Temporal.Now.zonedDateTimeISO(

// Get the wall-clock time as a string
const plainDateTime = zonedDateTime.toPlainDateTime()

Properties of PlainDateTime:

  • .from(item, options?)
  • .compare(one, two)

Properties of PlainDateTime.prototype:

  • get .calendar
  • get .year
  • get .month
  • get .monthCode
  • get .day
  • get .hour
  • get .minute
  • get .second
  • get .millisecond
  • get .microsecond
  • get .nanosecond
  • get .dayOfWeek
  • get .dayOfYear
  • get .weekOfYear
  • get .daysInWeek
  • get .daysInMonth
  • get .daysInYear
  • get .monthsInYear
  • get .inLeapYear
  • .with(temporalDateTimeLike, options?)
  • .withPlainTime(plainTimeLike?)
  • .withPlainDate(plainDateLike)
  • .withCalendar(calendar)
  • .add(temporalDurationLike, options?)
  • .subtract(temporalDurationLike, options?)
  • .until(other, options?)
  • .since(other, options?)
  • .round(options)
  • .equals(other)
  • .toString(options?)
  • .toLocaleString(locales?, options?)
  • .toJSON()
  • .valueOf()
  • .toZonedDateTime(temporalTimeZoneLike, options?)
  • .toPlainDate()
  • .toPlainYearMonth()
  • .toPlainMonthDay()
  • .toPlainTime()
  • .getISOFields()

These properties are documented here.

PlainDate and PlainTime have subsets of PlainDateTime’s properties.

Class PlainYearMonth  

An instance of PlainYearMonth abstractly refers to a particular month in a particular year.

Use case:

  • Identifying a monthly recurring event (“the October 2022 meeting”)
const plainYearMonth = Temporal.PlainYearMonth.from(
  {year: 2022, month: 10});

Class PlainMonthDay  

An instance of PlainMonthDay abstractly refers to a particular day in a particular month.

Use case:

  • Identifying a yearly recurring event (“Bastille Day is July 14”)
// Bastille Day
const bastilleDay = Temporal.PlainMonthDay.from({month: 7, day: 14});

// Bastille Day in 1989 in Paris
const zonedDateTime = bastilleDay
  .toPlainDate({year: 1989})

Helper classes  


All Temporal classes that contain full dates use calendars to help them with various computations. Most code will use the ISO-8601 calendar, but other calendar systems are supported, too.

const calendar1 = new Temporal.Calendar('iso8601');
const calendar2 = Temporal.Calendar.from('iso8601');
const calendar3 = Temporal.Calendar.from({calendar: 'iso8601'});


Instances of TimeZone represent time zones. They support IANA time zones, UTC, and UTC offsets. For most use cases, IANA time zones are the best choice because they enable proper handling of daylight saving time.

const timeZone1 = new Temporal.TimeZone('America/Nuuk');
const timeZone2 = Temporal.TimeZone.from('America/Nuuk');
const timeZone3 = Temporal.TimeZone.from({timeZone: 'America/Nuuk'});


A duration represents a length of time – for example, 3 hours and 45 minutes.

Durations are used for temporal arithmetic:

  • Measuring differences between two Temporal values
  • Adding time to a temporal value
  • Etc.
const duration = Temporal.Duration.from({hours: 3, minutes: 45});
  duration.total({unit: 'second'}),

Note that there is no simple normalization for durations:

  • Sometimes, we mean “90 minutes”.
  • Sometimes, we mean “1 hour 30 minutes”.

The former should not be automatically converted to the latter.

ISO-8601 notation for durations  

Method .toString() of duration objects returns strings that conform to the ISO-8601 notation for durations:

// Date information
    {years: 1, months: 2, weeks: 3, days: 4}).toString(),

// Time information
    {hours: 1, minutes: 2, seconds: 3, milliseconds: 4}).toString(),

// Mixed information
    {days: 30, hours: 50}).toString(),

// No duration
    {hours: 0}).toString(),


  • All duration strings start with 'P'.
  • Time information starts with 'T'.


Input and output  

Converting from and to strings  

The static factory method .from() always accepts strings:

const zdt = Temporal.ZonedDateTime.from(

The .toString() method works predictably and can be configured:


  zdt.toString({offset: 'never', timeZoneName: 'never'}),

  zdt.toString({smallestUnit: 'minute'}),

However, .toString() doesn’t let you hide minutes in this case – you have to convert the ZonedDateTime to a PlainDate if that is what you want:


Converting to and from JSON  

All Temporal date time values have a .toJSON() method and can therefore be stringified to JSON:

const zdt = Temporal.ZonedDateTime.from(

// Stringifying a zoned date time directly:

// Stringifying a zoned date time inside an object:
const obj = {startTime: zdt};

If you want to parse JSON with date time values, you need to set up a JSON reviver.

Converting to human-readable strings  

Temporal’s support for converting date time values to human readable strings is similar to Intl.DateTimeFormat’s:

const zdt = Temporal.ZonedDateTime.from(

  '12/1/2019, 12:00:00 PM GMT+1');

  '1.12.2019, 12:00:00 MEZ');

  zdt.toLocaleString('en-GB', {
    weekday: 'long',
    year: 'numeric',
    month: 'long',
    day: 'numeric',
  'Sunday, 1 December 2019');

Temporal does not support parsing human-readable strings.

Converting between legacy Date and Temporal  

On one hand, we can convert legacy dates to Temporal instants:

const legacyDate = new Date('1970-01-01T00:00:01Z');

const instant1 = legacyDate.toTemporalInstant();

This is an alternative to the previous approach:

const ms = legacyDate.getTime();
const instant2 = Temporal.Instant.fromEpochMilliseconds(ms);

On the other hand, one of the fields exposed by Instant provides us with the epoch time in milliseconds – which we can use to create a date:

const instant = Temporal.Instant.from('1970-01-01T00:00:01Z');
const legacyDate = new Date(instant.epochMilliseconds);


Sorting dates  

Every date time class D provides a function D.compare for sorting instances of D:

const dates = [
  dates.map(d => d.toString()),

D.compare() also accepts strings – if they can be parsed via D.from():

const dates = [

Converting between Temporal values  

Converting Instant to ZonedDateTime and PlainDateTime  

const instant = Temporal.Instant.from('1970-01-01T00:00:01Z');

const zonedDateTime = instant.toZonedDateTimeISO('Europe/Madrid');

const plainDateTime1 = zonedDateTime.toPlainDateTime();

const timeZone = Temporal.TimeZone.from('Europe/Madrid');
const plainDateTime2 = timeZone.getPlainDateTimeFor(instant);

Converting ZonedDateTime to Instant and PlainDateTime  

const zonedDateTime = Temporal.ZonedDateTime.from(

const instant = zonedDateTime.toInstant();

const plainDateTime = zonedDateTime.toPlainDateTime();

Converting PlainDateTime to ZonedDateTime and Instant  

const plainDateTime = Temporal.PlainDateTime.from(

const zonedDateTime = plainDateTime.toZonedDateTime('Europe/Berlin');

const instant = zonedDateTime.toInstant();

Converting between time zones  

const source = Temporal.ZonedDateTime.from(
const target = source.withTimeZone('America/Anchorage');


Date time arithmetic  

Time difference  

const departure = Temporal.ZonedDateTime.from(
  '2017-05-08T12:55[Europe/Berlin]'); // Munich
const arrival = Temporal.ZonedDateTime.from(
  '2017-05-08T17:10[America/Los_Angeles]'); // Seattle

const flightTime = departure.until(arrival);
  flightTime.toString(), 'PT13H15M');

A day after a given date  

const plainDate = Temporal.PlainDate.from('2022-03-08');
  plainDate.add({days: 1}).toString(),

First Monday in September  

To compute Labor Day (first Monday in September) for a given year, we need to figure out how many days to add to September 1 in order to get to weekday 1 (Monday).

const mod = (a, b) => ((a % b) + b) % b;

function getLaborDay(year) {
  const firstOfSeptember = Temporal.PlainDate.from({
    month: 9,
    day: 1,
  // How many days until Monday?
  const MONDAY = 1;
  const daysToAdd = mod(MONDAY - firstOfSeptember.dayOfWeek, 7);
  return firstOfSeptember.add({days: daysToAdd});


Implementations of the Temporal API  

The “Can I use” page for Temporal shows on which platforms the API is supported.

For now, the proposal warns:

Although this proposal's API is not expected to change, implementers of this proposal MUST NOT ship unflagged Temporal implementations until IETF standardizes timezone/calendar string serialization formats. See #1450 for updates.

The proposal has a list of polyfills for the Temporal API.

More information on the APIs Temporal and Date  

  • The official Temporal documentation is currently hosted on GitHub, but will eventually be moved to MDN Web Docs.
  • The legacy Date API is documented in a chapter in the book “Exploring JavaScript”.