JavaScript’s Arrays are so flexible that TypeScript provides two different kinds of types for handling them:
[number, string, boolean]
In this blog post, we look at the latter – especially how to compute with tuples at the type level.
For showing computed and inferred types in source code, I use the npm package asserttt
– e.g.:
// Types of values
// Equality of types
type Pair<T> = [T, T];
type _ = Assert<Equal<
Pair<string>, [string,string]
Tuple types have this syntax:
[ Required, Optional?, ...RestElement[] ]
type T = [string, boolean?, ...number[]];
const v1: T = ['a', true, 1, 2, 3];
const v2: T = ['a', true];
const v3: T = ['a'];
// @ts-expect-error: Type '[]' is not assignable to type 'T'.
const v4: T = [];
There is one additional rule: required elements can appear after a rest element – but only if there is no optional element before them:
type T1 = [number, ...boolean[], string]; // OK
// @ts-expect-error: A required element cannot follow
// an optional element.
type T2 = [number?, ...boolean[], string];
type T = [string, boolean?, ...number[]];
const v1: T = ['a', false, 1, 2, 3]; // OK
// @ts-expect-error: Type 'number' is not assignable to
// type 'boolean | undefined'.
const v2: T = ['a', 1, 2, 3];
const v3: T = ['a', undefined, 1, 2, 3]; // OK
Note that this is similar to how JavaScript handles parameters and destructuring – e.g.:
function f(x, y=3, ...z) {
return {x,y,z};
If we want to enable omitting elements in the middle, we can use a union:
// The `boolean` element can be omitted:
type T =
| [string, boolean, ...number[]]
| [string, ...number[]]
const v1: T = ['a', false, 1, 2, 3]; // OK
const v2: T = ['a', 1, 2, 3]; // OK
If there is a second parameter, it is assigned to y
and does not become an element of z
Variadic means “has variable (not fixed) arity”. The arity of a tuple is its length.
Variadic elements (or spread elements) enable spreading into tuples at the type level:
type Tuple1 = ['a', 'b'];
type Tuple2 = [1, 2];
type _ = Assert<Equal<
[true, ...Tuple1, ...Tuple2, false], // type expression
[ true, 'a', 'b', 1, 2, false ] // result
Compare that to spreading in JavaScript:
const tuple1 = ['a', 'b'];
const tuple2 = [1, 2];
[true, ...tuple1, ...tuple2, false], // expression
[ true, 'a', 'b', 1, 2, false ] // result
The type that is spread is usually a type variable and must be assignable to readonly any[]
– i.e., it must be an Array or a tuple. It can have any length – hence the term “variadic”. The pull request “Variadic tuple types” describes spreading like this:
Intuitively, a variadic element
is a placeholder that is replaced with one or more elements through generic type instantiation.
The result of spreading is adjusted so that it always fits the shape described at the beginning of this section. To explore how that works, we’ll use the utility types Spread1
and Spread2
type Spread1<T extends unknown[]> = [...T];
type Spread2<T1 extends unknown[], T2 extends unknown[]> =
[...T1, ...T2]
type _ = [
// A tuple with only a spread Array becomes an Array:
// If an Array is spread at the end, it becomes a rest element:
Spread2<['a', 'b'], Array<number>>,
["a", "b", ...number[]]
// If two Arrays are spread, they are merged so that there
// is at most one rest element:
Spread2<Array<string>, Array<number>>,
[...(string | number)[]]
// Optional elements after an Array are merged into it:
Spread2<Array<string>, [number?, boolean?]>,
(string | number | boolean | undefined)[]
// Optional elements `T` before required ones become `undefined|T`:
Spread2<[string?], [number]>,
[string | undefined, number]
// Required elements between Arrays are also merged:
Spread2<[boolean, ...number[]], [string, ...bigint[]]>,
[boolean, ...(string | number | bigint)[]]
Note that we can only spread a type T
if it is constrained via extends
to an Array type:
type Spread1a<T extends unknown[]> = [...T]; // OK
// @ts-expect-error: A rest element type must be an array type.
type Spread1b<T> = [...T];
We can also specify labels for tuple elements:
type Interval = [start: number, end: number];
If one element is labeled, all elements must be labeled. For optional elements, the syntax changes with labels – the question mark (?
) is added to the label, not the type (TypeScript will tell you during editing if you do it wrong):
type Tuple1 = [string, boolean?, ...number[]];
type Tuple2 = [requ: string, opt?: boolean, number[]];
What do labels do? Not much: They help with autocompletion and are preserved by some type operations but have no other effect in the type system:
Therefore: If names matter, you should use an object type.
If we extract function parameters, we get labeled tuple elements:
type _1 = Assert<Equal<
Parameters<(sym: symbol, bool: boolean) => void>,
[sym: symbol, bool: boolean]
Note that there is no way to check what the actual tuple element labels are – these checks succeed too:
// Different labels
type _2 = Assert<Equal<
Parameters<(sym: symbol, bool: boolean) => void>,
[HELLO: symbol, EVERYONE: boolean]
// No labels
type _3 = Assert<Equal<
Parameters<(sym: symbol, bool: boolean) => void>,
[symbol, boolean]
TypeScript uses labels as function parameters if a rest parameter has a tuple type:
function f1(...args: [str: string, num: number]) {}
// function f1(str: string, num: number): void
function f2(...args: [string, number]) {}
// function f2(args_0: string, args_1: number): void
Thanks to labels, tuples become better as an alternative to overloading because autocompletion can show parameter names:
// Overloading with tuples
function f(
| [str: string, num: number]
| [num: number]
| [bool: boolean]
): void {
// ···
// Traditional overloading
function f(str: string, num: number): void;
function f(num: number): void;
function f(bool: boolean): void;
function f(arg0: string | number | boolean, num?: number): void {
// ···
The caveat is that the tuples can’t influence the return type.
How that works is demonstrated when we handle partial application later in this post.
If we switch on the tsconfig.json
option noUncheckedIndexedAccess
then TypeScript is more honest about what it knows about an indexable type.
With an Array, TypeScript never knows at compile time at which indices there are elements – which is why undefined
is always a possible result with indexed reading:
const arr: Array<string> = ['a', 'b', 'c'];
const arrayElement = arr[1];
assertType<string | undefined>(arrayElement);
With a tuple, TypeScript knows the whole shape and can provide better types for indexed reading:
const tuple: [string, string, string] = ['a', 'b', 'c'];
const tupleElement = tuple[1];
By default, a JavaScript Array literal has an Array type:
// Array
const value1 = ['a', 1];
(string | number)[]
The most common way of changing that is via an as const
// Tuple
const value2 = ['a', 1] as const;
readonly ["a", 1]
But we can also use satisfies
// Non-empty tuple
const value3 = ['a', 1] satisfies [unknown, ...unknown[]];
[string, number]
// Tuple (possibly empty)
const value4 = ['a', 1] satisfies [unknown?, ...unknown[]];
[string, number]
Note that as const
also narrows the element types to 'a'
and 1
. With satisfies
, they are string
and number
– unless we use as const
for the elements:
// Tuple
const value5 = [
'a' as const, 1 as const
] satisfies [unknown?, ...unknown[]];
["a", 1]
If we omit the tuple element before the rest element (at the end), we are back to an Array type:
// Array
const value6 = ['a', 1] satisfies [...unknown[]];
(string | number)[]
There is one other type we can use for tuples:
// Tuple
const value7 = ['a', 1] satisfies unknown[] | [];
[string, number]
to accept const tuples If a type T
is constrained to a normal array type then it doesn’t match the type of an as const
type Tuple<T extends Array<unknown>> = T;
const arr = ['a', 'b'] as const;
// @ts-expect-error: Type 'readonly ["a", "b"]' does not satisfy
// the constraint 'unknown[]'.
type _ = Tuple<typeof arr>;
We can change that by switching to a ReadonlyArray
type Tuple<T extends ReadonlyArray<unknown>> = T;
const arr = ['a', 'b'] as const;
type Result = Tuple<typeof arr>;
type _ = Assert<Equal<
Result, readonly ["a", "b"]
The following two notations are equivalent:
readonly unknown[]
In this post, I don’t always make array types readonly because it adds visual clutter.
We can use the following trick to enforce a fixed length for Array literals:
function join3<T extends string[] & {length: 3}>(...strs: T) {
return strs.join('');
join3('a', 'b', 'c'); // OK
// @ts-expect-error: Argument of type '["a", "b"]' is not assignable
// to parameter of type 'string[] & { length: 3; }'.
join3('a', 'b');
The caveat is that this technique does not work if the strs
come from a variable whose type is an Array:
const arr = ['a', 'b', 'c'];
// @ts-expect-error: Argument of type 'string[]' is not assignable
// to parameter of type 'string[] & { length: 3; }'.
In contrast, a tuple works:
const tuple = ['a', 'b', 'c'] as const;
to objects TypeScript has a built-in keyof
operator. We can use the indexed access operator to implement a utility type Valueof
const englishToGerman = {
yes: 'ja',
no: 'nein',
} as const;
type Valueof<Obj> = Obj[keyof Obj]; // (A)
type Values = Valueof<typeof englishToGerman>;
type _ = Assert<Equal<
Values, "ja" | "nein"
In line A, the key type inside the square brackets must be specific: Using, e.g., string
or string | number | symbol
won’t work – TypeScript will complain.
to tuples If we apply the indexed access operator to a tuple, we get the tuple elements as a union:
const flowers = ['rose', 'sunflower', 'lavender'] as const;
type Elementof<Tup extends readonly unknown[]> = Tup[number]; // (A)
type Elements = Elementof<typeof flowers>;
type _ = Assert<Equal<
Elements, "rose" | "sunflower" | "lavender"
In this case, TypeScript does let us use the unspecific type number
as an operand for the indexed access operator (line A). Which is good because keyof
doesn’t work well for tuples:
type Tup = ['a', 'b'];
type _ = Assert<Equal<
// Keys of `Tup` whose names start with `l`
Extract<keyof Tup, `l${string}`>,
"length" | "lastIndexOf"
Sometimes, it makes sense to encode data as a collection of tuples – e.g. when we want to look up a tuple by any of its elements and performance is not as important. In contrast, Maps only support lookup by key well.
For Maps, it’s easy to compute the keys and the values – which we can use to constrain values when looking up data. Can we do the same for a tuple of tuples? We can, if we use the indexed access operator T[K]
const englishSpanishGerman = [
['yes', 'sí', 'ja'],
['no', 'no', 'nein'],
['maybe', 'tal vez', 'vielleicht'],
] as const;
type English = (typeof englishSpanishGerman)[number][0];
type _1 = Assert<Equal<
English, "yes" | "no" | "maybe"
type Spanish = (typeof englishSpanishGerman)[number][1];
type _2 = Assert<Equal<
Spanish, "sí" | "no" | "tal vez"
The same approach works for a tuple of objects:
const listCounterStyles = [
{ name: 'upperRoman', regExp: /^[IVXLCDM]+$/ },
{ name: 'lowerRoman', regExp: /^[ivxlcdm]+$/ },
{ name: 'upperLatin', regExp: /^[A-Z]$/ },
{ name: 'lowerLatin', regExp: /^[a-z]$/ },
{ name: 'decimal', regExp: /^[0-9]+$/ },
] as const satisfies Array<{regExp: RegExp, name: string}>;
type CounterNames = (typeof listCounterStyles)[number]['name'];
type _ = Assert<Equal<
| "upperRoman" | "lowerRoman"
| "upperLatin" | "lowerLatin"
| "decimal"
A mapped type has the following syntax:
type MapOverType<Type> = {
[Key in keyof Type]: Promise<Type[Key]>
The syntax of a mapped type seems to suggest that it only works for objects. However, it works just as well for tuples:
type WrapValues<T> = {
[Key in keyof T]: Promise<T[Key]>
type _ = Assert<Equal<
WrapValues<['a', 'b']>,
[Promise<"a">, Promise<"b">]
This is another example:
type Unwrap<T> =
T extends Promise<infer C> ? C : never;
type UnwrapValues<T> = {
[Key in keyof T]: Unwrap<T[Key]>
type _ = Assert<Equal<
UnwrapValues<[Promise<string>, Promise<number>]>,
[string, number]
The input of a mapped type (tuple, array, object, etc.) determines what the output looks like:
type WrapValues<T> = {
[Key in keyof T]: Promise<T[Key]>
const tuple = ['a', 'b'] as const;
type _1 = Assert<Equal<
WrapValues<typeof tuple>,
readonly [Promise<"a">, Promise<"b">]
const array1 = ['a', 'b'];
type _2 = Assert<Equal<
WrapValues<typeof array1>,
const array2 = ['a' as const, 'b' as const];
type _3 = Assert<Equal<
WrapValues<typeof array2>,
Promise<"a" | "b">[]
const obj1 = {a: 1, b: 2};
type _4 = Assert<Equal<
WrapValues<typeof obj1>,
{ a: Promise<number>, b: Promise<number> }
const obj2 = {a: 1, b: 2} as const;
type _5 = Assert<Equal<
WrapValues<typeof obj2>,
{ readonly a: Promise<1>, readonly b: Promise<2> }
Mapping also preserves the labels of tuple elements:
type WrapValues<T> = {
[Key in keyof T]: Promise<T[Key]>
type _ = Assert<Equal<
WrapValues<[a: number, b: number]>,
[a: Promise<number>, b: Promise<number>]
To extract parts of tuples, we use infer
We infer the first element and ignore all other elements by using unknown
as a wildcard type that matches anything.
type First<T extends Array<unknown>> =
T extends [infer F, ...unknown[]]
? F
: never
type _ = Assert<Equal<
First<['a', 'b', 'c']>,
The approach we used to extract the first element (in the previous example) also works for extracting the last element:
type Last<T extends Array<unknown>> =
T extends [...unknown[], infer L]
? L
: never
type _ = Assert<Equal<
Last<['a', 'b', 'c']>,
To extract the rest of a tuple (the elements after the first one), we make use the wildcard type unknown
for the first element and infer what is spread after it:
type Rest<T extends Array<unknown>> =
T extends [unknown, ...infer R]
? R
: never
type _ = Assert<Equal<
Rest<['a', 'b', 'c']>,
['b', 'c']
To concatenate two tuples T1
and T2
, we spread them both:
type Concat<T1 extends Array<unknown>, T2 extends Array<unknown>> =
[...T1, ...T2]
type _ = Assert<Equal<
Concat<['a', 'b'], ['c', 'd']>,
['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']
To explore recursion over tuples, let’s implement wrapping tuple elements with recursion (where we previously used a mapped type):
Recursing over tuples in TypeScript
type WrapValues<Tup> =
Tup extends [infer First, ...infer Rest] // (A)
? [Promise<First>, ...WrapValues<Rest>] // (B)
: [] // (C)
type _ = Assert<Equal<
WrapValues<['a', 'b', 'c']>,
[Promise<'a'>, Promise<'b'>, Promise<'c'>]
We use a technique that is inspired by how functional programming languages recurse over lists:
Line A: We check whether we can split Tup
into the first element First
and the remaining elements Rest
Line B: If yes then Tup
has at least one element. We return a tuple whose first element is the wrapped First
and whose remaining elements are computed by a self-recursive call.
Line C: If no then Tup
is empty. We return an empty tuple.
In functional programming, First
is often called Head
and Rest
is often called Tail
Let’s use recursion to flatten a tuple of tuples:
type Flatten<Tups extends Array<Array<unknown>>> =
Tups extends [
infer Tup extends Array<unknown>, // (A)
...infer Rest extends Array<Array<unknown>> // (B)
? [...Tup, ...Flatten<Rest>]
: []
type _ = Assert<Equal<
Flatten<[['a', 'b'], ['c', 'd'], ['e']]>,
['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e']
In this case, the inferred types Tup
and Rest
are more complex – which is why TypeScript complains if we don’t use extends
(line A, line B) to constrain them.
The following code uses recursion to filter out empty strings in a tuple:
type RemoveEmptyStrings<T extends Array<string>> =
T extends [
infer First extends string,
...infer Rest extends Array<string>
? First extends ''
? RemoveEmptyStrings<Rest>
: [First, ...RemoveEmptyStrings<Rest>]
: []
type _ = Assert<Equal<
RemoveEmptyStrings<['', 'a', '', 'b', '']>,
["a", "b"]
If we want to create a tuple that has a given length Len
, we are faced with a challenge: How do we know when to stop? We can’t decrement Len
, we can only check if it is equal to a given value (line A):
type Repeat<
Len extends number, Value,
Acc extends Array<unknown> = []
> =
Acc['length'] extends Len // (A)
? Acc // (B)
: Repeat<Len, Value, [...Acc, Value]> // (C)
type _ = [
Repeat<3, '*'>,
["*", "*", "*"]
Repeat<3, string>,
[string, string, string]
Repeat<3, unknown>,
[unknown, unknown, unknown]
How does this code work? We use another functional programming technique and introduce an internal accumulator parameter Acc
(line C).Acc
is equal to Len
(line A), we are done and can return Acc
(line B).We can use the same technique to compute a range of numbers. Only this time, we append the current length of the accumulator to the accumulator:
type NumRange<Upper extends number, Acc extends number[] = []> =
Upper extends Acc['length']
? Acc
: NumRange<Upper, [...Acc, Acc['length']]>
type _ = Assert<Equal<
[0, 1, 2]
This is one way of implementing a utility type that removes the first Num
elements of a Tuple
type Drop<
Tuple extends Array<unknown>,
Num extends number,
Counter extends Array<boolean> = []
> =
Counter['length'] extends Num
? Tuple
: Tuple extends [unknown, ...infer Rest extends Array<unknown>]
? Drop<Rest, Num, [true, ...Counter]>
: Tuple
type _ = Assert<Equal<
Drop<['a', 'b', 'c'], 2>,
This time, we use the accumulator variable Counter
to count up – until Counter['length'] is equal to Num
We can also use inference (idea by Heribert Schütz):
type Drop<
Tuple extends Array<unknown>,
Num extends number
> =
Tuple extends [...Repeat<Num, unknown>, ...infer Rest]
? Rest
: never
We use the utility type Repeat
to compute a tuple where each element is the wildcard type unknown
that matches any type. Then we match Tuple
against a tuple pattern that begins with those elements. The remaining elements are the result we are looking for and we extract it via infer
Let’s implement the function applyPartial(func, args)
for partially applying a function func
. It works similarly to the function method .bind()
function applyPartial<
Func extends (...args: any[]) => any,
InitialArgs extends unknown[],
>(func: Func, ...initialArgs: InitialArgs) {
return (...remainingArgs: RemainingArgs<Func, InitialArgs>)
: ReturnType<Func> => {
return func(...initialArgs, ...remainingArgs);
//----- Test -----
function add(x: number, y: number): number {
return x + y;
const add3 = applyPartial(add, 3);
type _1 = Assert<Equal<
typeof add3,
// The parameter name is preserved!
(y: number) => number
We return a partially applied func
. To compute the type for the parameter remainingArgs
, we remove the InitialArgs
from the arguments of Func
– via the following utility type:
type RemainingArgs<
Func extends (...args: any[]) => any,
InitialArgs extends unknown[],
> =
Func extends (
...args: [...InitialArgs,
...infer TrailingArgs]
) => unknown
? TrailingArgs
: never
//----- Test -----
type _2 = Assert<Equal<
RemainingArgs<typeof add, [number]>,
[y: number]
Consider a zip()
function that converts a tuple of iterables to an iterable of tuples (source code of an implementation):
> zip([[1, 2, 3], ['a', 'b', 'c']])
[ [1, 'a'], [2, 'b'], [3, 'c'] ]
The following utility type Zip
computes a return type for it:
type Zip<Tuple extends Array<Iterable<unknown>>> =
{ [Key in keyof Tuple]: UnwrapIterable<Tuple[Key]> }
type UnwrapIterable<Iter> =
Iter extends Iterable<infer T>
? T
: never
type _ = Assert<Equal<
Zip<[Iterable<string>, Iterable<number>]>,
Iterable<[string, number]>
Function zipObj()
is similar to zip()
: It converts an object of iterables to an iterable of objects (source code of an implementation):
> zipObj({num: [1, 2, 3], str: ['a', 'b', 'c']})
[ {num: 1, str: 'a'}, {num: 2, str: 'b'}, {num: 3, str: 'c'} ]
The following utility type ZipObj
computes a return type for it:
type ZipObj<Obj extends Record<string, Iterable<unknown>>> =
{ [Key in keyof Obj]: UnwrapIterable<Obj[Key]> }
type UnwrapIterable<Iter> =
Iter extends Iterable<infer T>
? T
: never
type _ = Assert<Equal<
ZipObj<{a: Iterable<string>, b: Iterable<number>}>,
Iterable<{a: string; b: number}>
: converting a callback-based function to a Promise-based one The Node.js function util.promisify(cb)
converts a function that returns its result via a callback to a function that returns it via a Promise. Its official type is long:
// 0 arguments
export function promisify<TResult>(
fn: (callback: (err: any, result: TResult) => void) => void,
): () => Promise<TResult>;
export function promisify(
fn: (callback: (err?: any) => void) => void
): () => Promise<void>;
// 1 argument
export function promisify<T1, TResult>(
fn: (arg1: T1, callback: (err: any, result: TResult) => void) => void,
): (arg1: T1) => Promise<TResult>;
export function promisify<T1>(
fn: (arg1: T1, callback: (err?: any) => void) => void
): (arg1: T1) => Promise<void>;
// 2 arguments
export function promisify<T1, T2, TResult>(
fn: (arg1: T1, arg2: T2, callback: (err: any, result: TResult) => void) => void,
): (arg1: T1, arg2: T2) => Promise<TResult>;
export function promisify<T1, T2>(
fn: (arg1: T1, arg2: T2, callback: (err?: any) => void) => void,
): (arg1: T1, arg2: T2) => Promise<void>;
// Etc.: up to 5 arguments
Let’s try to simplify it:
function promisify<Args extends any[], CB extends NodeCallback>(
fn: (...args: [...Args, CB]) => void,
): (...args: Args) => Promise<ExtractResultType<CB>> {
// ···
type NodeCallback =
| ((err: any, result: any) => void)
| ((err: any) => void)
//----- Test -----
function nodeFunc(
arr: Array<string>,
cb: (err: Error, str: string) => void
) {}
const asyncFunc = promisify(nodeFunc);
(arr: string[]) => Promise<string>
The previous code uses the following utility type:
type ExtractResultType<F extends NodeCallback> =
F extends (err: any) => void
? void
: F extends (err: any, result: infer TResult) => void
? TResult
: never
//----- Test -----
type _ = [
ExtractResultType<(err: Error, result: string) => void>,
ExtractResultType<(err: Error) => void>,
There are constraints we can’t express via TypeScript’s type system. The following code is one example:
type Same<T> = {a: T, b: T};
function one<T>(obj: Same<T>) {}
// @ts-expect-error: Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'boolean'.
one({a: false, b: 'abc'}); // 👍 error
function many<A, B, C, D, E>(
objs: [Same<A>, Same<B>]
| [Same<A>, Same<B>, Same<C>]
| [Same<A>, Same<B>, Same<C>, Same<D>]
| [Same<A>, Same<B>, Same<C>, Same<D>, Same<E>,
) {}
{a: true, b: true},
{a: 'abc', b: 'abc'},
// @ts-expect-error: Type 'boolean' is not assignable to type 'number'.
{a: 7, b: false} // 👍 error
We’d like to express:
receives an Array of objects.We can’t loop and introduce one variable per loop iteration. Therefore, we list the most common cases manually.