In JavaScript, all numbers are floating point. Integers are floating point numbers without a fraction. Converting a number n to an integer means finding the integer that is “closest” to n (where “closest” is a matter of definition).
You might think that parseInt() performs this task, but it doesn’t. At least, not always.
JavaScript ist eigentlich eine recht kompakte Sprache. Wenn es nur nicht all diese Fallgruben gäbe...
Dieser Artikel erklärt die 12 größten und wie man am besten mit ihnen umgeht. Zur Lektüre werden grundlegende JavaScript-Kenntnisse vorausgesetzt. Wir halten uns an die aktuelle Version von JavaScript, ECMAScript 5.
Functionn is a blog on open source web development. Today, they published an interview with me and several other people (including DailyJS’s Alex R. Young) covering various web-development-related topics. They asked the following questions:
This post examines four ways in which values can be categorized in JavaScript: via the hidden property [[Class]], via the typeof operator, via the instanceof operator and via the function Array.isArray(). We’ll also look at the prototype objects of built-in constructors, which produce unexpected categorization results.
This blog post looks at the difference between responsive web design and adaptive web design.
Before we can get started, we need to define another concept: progressive enhancement.
From November 27-29, 2012, the Ecma Technical Committee 39 (TC39, [1]) had another meeting, where decisions were made about (the code name for ECMAScript 6 [1]). This blog post summarizes and explains the highlights. It is based on Rick Waldrons excellent notes that he put up on GitHub. There is also a list of all 2ality posts on TC39 meetings.
Update 2014-08-04: Comprehensions won’t be in ECMAScript 6. There’s a chance that an updated version of them will be in ECMAScript 7 or later. will have two kinds of comprehensions: array comprehensions and generator comprehensions. They allow one to quickly assemble an array or a sequence of elements. Comprehensions exist in many programming languages, for example: CoffeeScript, Python, Haskell, Clojure.