
Mnemonics for remembering the CSS order of top right bottom left

[2011-11-27] css, dev, html, webdev
Whenever one specifies values for all directions in a single CSS property, one has to adhere to the standard order: top comes first, right second, bottom third, and left fourth. This post mentions three mnemonics for remembering that order.

Node.js v0.6.3: NPM included

[2011-11-25] dev, nodejs, javascript
Node.js version 0.6.3 (stable) came out on 2011-11-25. Highlight (quoting “Node v0.6.3” by piscisaureus for node blog):

V8’s incremental garbage collector: shorter pauses, better interactive performance

[2011-11-25] v8, jsengine, dev, javascript, chrome
Quoting “A game changer for interactive performance” by Vyacheslav Egorov and Erik Corry for The Chromium Blog:

HTML5 context menus in Firefox 8+

[2011-11-24] dev, firefox, html5, webdev
Starting with version 8, Firefox supports HTML5 context menus. This post is a summary of “HTML5 context menus in Firefox (Screencast and Code)” by Chris Heilmann for Mozilla Hacks.

Type inference to make JavaScript as fast as statically typed languages?

[2011-11-23] jsengine, dev, firefox, javascript
Type Inference brings JS improvements to Firefox Beta” by Brian Hackett:

Named parameters in JavaScript and ECMAScript 6

[2011-11-22] esnext, dev, javascript, jslang
This post explains what named parameters are, how they can be simulated in JavaScript, and what improvements ECMAScript 6 will bring. Obviously, what is said about methods here applies to functions, as well.

Video: Prototypal inheritance in JavaScript

[2011-11-21] talk, dev, javascript, jslang, video
I recently held a talk on JavaScript inheritance for a MunichJS meetup at Google Munich. Courtesy of TNG, a video has been recorded which I have uploaded to Vimeo.

Bridging the module gap between Node.js and browsers

[2011-11-19] dev, nodejs, javascript, jsmodules
Update 2012-07-04: amdefine: use AMD modules on Node.js

One of the advantages of Node.js is that you can use the same programming language – JavaScript – on both server and client. When it comes to modularizing code that is portable between the two platforms, one is presented with a major challenge: they approach modularity differently. This post examines four solutions for writing cross-platform modules.

The Node.js v0.8 roadmap

[2011-11-19] dev, nodejs, javascript
Ryan Dahl has posted the roadmap for version 0.8 of Node.js. The following sections describe the highlights.

Execute code each time the Node.js REPL starts

[2011-11-17] dev, nodejs, repl, javascript
If you start the Node.js binary without any arguments, you are in the REPL (Read-Eval-Print-Loop), a JavaScript command line. This post shows you how to execute code each time the REPL starts. That allows you to, say, automatically load modules you want to use.