
JavaScript’s with statement and why it’s deprecated

[2011-06-01] dev, javascript, jslang
This post explains how the with statement works in JavaScript and why its use is discouraged.


The void operator in JavaScript

[2011-05-26] dev, javascript, jslang


void <expr>

evaluates expr and returns undefined.

Bookmarklet: copy a link for Twitter and editors

[2011-05-21] bookmarklet, dev, hack, blogging
Update 2011-09-27: Automatically remove parts of the title, add a Twitter name, add a hashtag.

Problem: You have found an interesting web page and would like to copy its link, for use with Twitter or an editor. That means you need to perform several steps: First, you copy the URL. Second, you go back to copy the title (which might be tricky to get at). Third, you construct the link from the copied pieces.

Web gaming technologies: Angry Birds’ cross-compiled Java versus native JavaScript

[2011-05-21] angry birds, dev, gaming, webdev, java
After it became clear that Angry Birds was basically a true webapp with only a little Flash to overcome the limitations of web-based audio [1], more information came to light regarding the technology it is based on [2].

Tip: load source from a file in the Node.js shell

[2011-05-18] dev, nodejs, repl, javascript, jslang
Node.js is really handy as an interactive shell for JavaScript. To load source code from a file, you must create a module. This post explains how.

Making it easier to reply to email digests

[2011-05-17] dev, hack
Mailing lists are still a common way of communicating in teams. If the volume is high, a convenient option is to receive a digest that delivers several sent messages in a single email.

Automatic semicolon insertion in JavaScript

[2011-05-15] dev, javascript, jslang
Update 2011-11-11: What JavaScript would be like with significant newlines

In JavaScript, automatic semicolon insertion allows one to omit a semicolon at the end of a line. While you always should write semicolons, knowing how JavaScript handles their omission is important knowledge, because it helps you understand code without semicolons and because it has effects even in code with semicolons.

Why the Angry Birds webapp needs Flash

[2011-05-14] angry birds, dev, gaming, webdev
Update 2011-05-21: Web gaming technologies: Angry Birds’ cross-compiled Java versus native JavaScript

Shortly after the Angry Birds webapp came out on 2011-05-11 [1], people were disappointed that it needed Flash. This post examines why that is.

Eich’s ECMAScript.next status update at JSConf: arrow function syntax, classes, transpilers

[2011-05-09] esnext, dev, javascript
Update 2011-06-17: ECMAScript.next: the “TXJS” update by Eich

At JSConf.US 2011, JavaScript creator Brendan Eich gave an update [1] on what features will make it into ECMAScript.next, the version after ECMAScript 5 [3].

Programming language variables: scope and extent

[2011-05-09] programming languages, dev, javascript, jslang
This post examines two aspects of how variables work in programming languages: The scope and the extent of variables. Example source code is given in JavaScript, but should simple enough to be universally understandable.