
ReasonML: variant types

[2017-12-24] dev, reasonml

Variant types (short: variants) are a data type supported by many functional programming languages. They are an important ingredient in ReasonML that is not available in C-style languages (C, C++, Java, C#, etc.). This blog post explains how they work.

ReasonML: basic modules

[2017-12-20] dev, reasonml

In this blog post, we explore how modules work in ReasonML.

ReasonML: functions

[2017-12-16] dev, reasonml

This blog post explores how functions work in ReasonML.

Pattern matching in ReasonML: destructuring, switch, if expressions

[2017-12-12] dev, reasonml

In this blog post, we look at three features that are all related to pattern matching: destructuring, switch, and if expressions.

ReasonML: let bindings and scopes

[2017-12-11] dev, reasonml

In this blog post, we look at how to introduce new variables and scopes in ReasonML.

ReasonML: basic values and types

[2017-12-08] dev, reasonml

In this blog post, we’ll look at ReasonML’s support for booleans, integers, floats, strings, characters and the unit type. We’ll also see a few operators in action.

To explore, we’ll use the interactive ReasonML command line rtop, which is part of the package reason-cli (the manual explains how to install it).

A different way of understanding this in JavaScript

[2017-12-06] dev, javascript

In this blog post, I take a different approach to explaining this in JavaScript: I pretend that arrow functions are the real functions and ordinary functions a special construct for methods. I think it makes this easier to understand – give it a try.

for-await-of and synchronous iterables

[2017-12-03] dev, javascript, esnext, es proposal

This blog post describes how for-await-of handles synchronous iterables. for-await-of is a core construct of asynchronous iteration. You can read up on it in the blog post “ES proposal: asynchronous iteration”.

What is planned for ReasonML?

[2017-12-01] dev, reasonml

This blog post takes a brief look of a few key pieces of ReasonML that are still being worked on:


Getting started with ReasonML

[2017-11-30] dev, reasonml

In this blog post, I give tips for getting started with the programming language ReasonML.