This blog post gives a brief high-level explanation of Facebook’s new programming language, ReasonML.
In this blog post I explain why, in my opinion, currying is in conflict with some of JavaScript’s foundations.
– module metadataThe proposal “import.meta
” by Domenic Denicola is currently at stage 3. This blog post explains how it works.
In this blog post, I explain how you can trace method calls via ECMAScript Proxies. The techniques I show are relevant whenever you want to intercept and forward method calls via Proxies.
Starting with version 8.5.0, Node.js supports ES modules natively, behind a command line option. Most of the credit for this new functionality goes to Bradley Farias.
This blog post explains the details.
In principle, JavaScript is a very dynamic and interactive programming language. However, that has changed significantly in recent years. Now, modern web development requires extensive build and compilation steps. That is unfortunate for two reasons. First, it makes development less pleasant. Second, it makes web development harder to learn. This blog post covers ideas and tools for easing some of the pain of building.
This blog post gives tips for typing import statements more quickly, including a helpful text snippet for Visual Studio Code.
and instanceof
: simplifying dynamic type checksThis blog post describes a technique for making instanceof
applicable to more values (on the right-hand side). Specifically, for primitive values.
The proposal “Optional catch binding” by Michael Ficarra is at stage 4 and therefore part of ECMAScript 2019. This blog post explains how it works.
The proposal “Promise.try()
” by Jordan Harband is currently at stage 1. This blog post explains how it works.